Sunday, May 19, 2024

Tag:affiliate marketing

$75 Billion A Year Lost in Fraud. Smarten Up.

$75 Billion is lost per year in ad fraud/waste.  We define “lost” as: spent with no possibility of seeing any return.  The digital marketing...

TradeDoubler Now Able to Pay in Local Currencies for 200+ Countries

Performance marketing group TradeDoubler has recently completed an agreement to partner with Payoneer, which will allow them to make payments in more currencies than...

The Dangers of Toolbars and Adware in B2B Affiliate Programs

Toolbar affiliates have become the subject of much debate within the affiliate industry, with many believing that the data in most cases points to...

5 Reasons Why You Need to Work with Adscend Media

Recognized as a leading incentive network by affiliates, forums, and trade publications, Adscend Media has been quietly going about their business of making publishers...

Cheap Affiliate Management Does Not Work

More often than not, companies that are not happy with the state of their affiliate program and/or their manager are struggling for one reason:...

$1,500 A Day on Pay Per Call

Henry Ford once stated, Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service. Henry was...

ClickBooth Makes Big Hire

James Epstein recently started as General Counsel. Epstein will act as the senior attorney of Clickbooth’s legal department, facilitating the achievement of the company’s...

Two Things Affiliate CPA Networks Must Do

It is harder than ever for publishers to find the right affiliate network. Networks have been going down left and right, making it hard...

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Nielsen’s New Tool Puts the Streaming Wars in Perspective, Or Does It?

Alright, so Nielsen decided to jazz things up with a shiny new toy to monitor the streaming wars. Introducing...
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Netflix and EDO: Turning Viewers into Ad Responders

Alright folks, grab your popcorn because Netflix is taking a sledgehammer to the streaming ad game. At its recent...

Colossus SSP vs. Adalytics: Who’s Bluffing in this Legal Circus?

Alright, folks, gather around for the latest installment of "Ad Tech Gone Wild." Picture this: Colossus Media LLC, strutting...

Must read

Nielsen’s New Tool Puts the Streaming Wars in Perspective, Or Does It?

Alright, so Nielsen decided to jazz things up with...

Colossus SSP vs. Adalytics: Who’s Bluffing in this Legal Circus?

Alright, folks, gather around for the latest installment of...