Monday, February 17, 2025

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Rene Pour of clickBakers Maximizes ROI

How do you bake a click? Heather Vale of Performance Marketing Insider speaks with Rene Pour, Co-Founder of clickBakers. In this interview at Affiliate Summit West #ASW16, find out what clickBakers is, what tools they offer for tracking and targeting, what types of targeting he recommends for best results. A Puublisher or affiliate manages websites and earns revenue via his ad inventory. He has been selling his ad spots to ad networks at a flat price but now decides to self-manage his ad inventory instead, in order to increase his revenue. clickBakers is designed to maximize online ad serving performance and make the best ROI for affiliates and publishers. Learn more at clickBakers

Heather Vale
Heather Vale
Heather Vale is a seasoned journalist, writer and interviewer known as The Unwrapper™. For more than 20 years she has worked in all media: TV, radio, print and online. She began interviewing on the internet for the first time in 1998, and for the second time in 2005. Many of the sites she has founded revolve around her branding concept “Unwrapped” — which is about metaphorically peeling back the layers of the onion to get to the core truth in any topic.


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