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Why Real Estate companies need Digital Marketing

Change and innovation have always been at the forefront, notably in creating and utilizing new measures to better serve the needs of the company and its customers. Gone are the days of age old marketing plans consisting solely of person-to-person events and traditional media. Instead, reaching the customers through email and social networks are now crucial to every company’s marketing efforts.

“Certainly the advent of technology and electronic commerce has had an immense impact on the real estate industry.” – Michael Oxley

It’s a situation to which you either adapt or simply be left behind. Along with every other industry the Real Estate Industry too,needs to adapt and shape up for these new marketing channels. With their smartphones in hand, every person has become smart and knows how to research an avenue well before investing in it. Same goes for Real estate. As the Real estate is not a tiny matter and needs a well thought out plan before making a move, every buyer is now searching for brokers, dealers, projects, and sellers online, and even comparing prices online. It becomes all the more necessary for the Real Estate businesses to market digitally.

Visibility- :Active social media accounts and a constructive website offer brand enforcement and recognition that would not be found in traditional media. Being visible and active in such places where people are looking, builds a trust for the companies in the minds of the buyers.

Better Customer Interaction- Clear messages in regards to the prices and locations of the projects gives the customer a better idea. And a substantial digital presence gives you the opportunity to interact with the customer andengage with them in conversations.Blogging and leavinginteractive elements in the form of buttons, and feeds can generate excellent results.

Higher Conversion- :Conversation to Conversion. From visiting your websites through the ads in Facebook pages to getting engaged in a conversation through commenting on the blogs. And when a customer gets an active response to his issues, he gets a better idea of the projects and as mentioned above, there is trust that gets built in the process. And you have converted a visitor to a customer.

Lesser marketing costs-: Promoting a business online, hardly takes up any money and sometimes even none, but reaches out to a wide range of customers. Unlike traditional media (print, television, etc.) that chuck high rates, and in some cases go ineffective at reaching the target market. The money which would otherwise be invested in the marketing and promotion sector, is not only saved but also bears a return without being invested.

If you’re looking to attract more real estate leads to your website, increase your appeal in the digital marketplace or boost your branding online, there are several key strategies you are going to want to know that work.

SEO-: The better the SEO, the more your customers. As your company’s name tops the search chart, people are obviously going to visit your website first before anyone else’s. 89% of the marketers have said that their SEO marketing efforts in 2015 were very or somewhat successful.

Social Media- :The best player when it comes to real estate is the social media. It is accounted for having drawn the maximum number of visitors to a company’s website. According to studies, a person visits and revisits his social media account 3-4 times a day. And your real estate business can make the most out of their visits. A full 56% B2C marketing professionals are known to have generated the majority of their revenue from Facebook in the year 2014.

E-mail marketing- :A study showed that 14.1% of those who open Real estate related email, click at least one link in the message.

Content marketing-: Blogs and content that the customers find relevant and helpful can engage a customer’s interest in your company.It is important to any real estate agents marketing plan because people want to know more and more about a community, the financial scenario and other useful information, before finally investing on that project. It was viewed as the most important digital marketing trend in 2017.

Khatun Khatun
Khatun Khatun
We Love Digital Marketing is a concern of WL DIGITAL MARKETING PVT LTD in Kolkata and focuses onf developing Digital Marketing Strategy for Businesses. We Love Digital Marketing�focuses on developing Marketing strategies for Brands, Products , Celebrities, Events.

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