Just a day after Performance Marketing Insider learned that the Washington AG was dismissing almost all claims against Adscend Media, we have learned that Facebook has voluntarily dismissed all claims in a corresponding lawsuit. The dismissal comes less than four months after the original lawsuit, filed tandem with the Washington State Attorney General complaint alleging that Adscend used “misleading and deceptive tactics.”
This comes as a form of vindication from Adscend which immediately had protested the lawsuit, claiming that they had nothing to do with the issues, and that Facebook and the AG had not done their homework in investigating the issues involved. It also is a huge win for the content locking industry, which came under fire because of these lawsuits and a few rogue actors.
Copy of the Dismissal is below, which was dismissed with prejudice meaning that Facebook has agreed that they can not file any additional claims based on this lawsuit in the future.
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