Friday, July 26, 2024

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Adotat Staff

ADOTAT: Where brilliance meets marketing magic! Our team of marketing aficionados is here to make your brand shine. With 30,000+ C-level subscribers, we're the go-to online advertising publication for Chief Marketing Officers. Join us as we redefine the art of captivating audiences and turning heads in the world of marketing and advertising. Together, we'll make your brand the talk of the town!

Cracking the Code: How CVS Media Exchange is Rewriting the Rules of Retail Media with a Rebel Yell

Welcome to the world of retail media, where the stakes are high, the competition is fierce, and the jargon is dense enough to make...

Now Pronounce You Retail and Tech: Walmart’s Proposal to Vizio

So, here we are, witnessing what could be the most unexpected crossover episode in corporate America: Walmart and Vizio, a match made in… well,...

Touchdowns and Letdowns: The Super Bowl’s Marketing Circus Comes to Town

In the high-octane, neon-drenched spectacle that is Super Bowl advertising, brands embark on a gladiatorial quest for the Holy Grail of marketing: a spot...

From Courtside to Center Stage: Otterman’s Macy’s Marvel

Enter the grand narrative of American retail, where a new character has emerged on the stage of Macy’s, that venerable institution of commerce and...

Are you Confused about ChatGPT and Marketing?

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), myths and misconceptions abound like phantoms in the night. As we grapple with this technological marvel,...

Decoding the Disruption: Will AI Unravel Influencer Marketing?

The winds of change are rustling through the world of influencers once again, echoing the cadence of evolution. The ascent of Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

AI-Driven Scams: Unveiling the Underbelly of Advertisers’ Nightmares

Within the expansive and constantly shifting domain of the internet, where innovation and prospects intricately intermingle, an emerging malevolent surge of exploitation has surfaced,...

Unraveling Ad Fraud: A Call for Transparency and Responsibility

In the ever-evolving landscape of programmatic marketing, a specter haunts the industry—a menace that thrives on deception, waste, and the perverse incentives inherent in...

Must read

WTF Google: The Cookie Clusterf**k Continues

Google's latest move is a doozy. After years of...

#MADWOMEN: From Catwalk Queen to Data Diva

Hold onto your spreadsheets, people, because today we’re talking...

Juggling Data and Dodging Drama: Jon Watts’ Media Measurement Marathon

If you’ve ever wondered who’s steering the ship in...

How Elon Musk is Rewriting ‘The Communist Manifesto’

Ah, the latest episode in the soap opera that...

The AdTech Adventurer: Myles Younger’s Recipe for Success

If the ad tech industry were weather, it’d be...

TV Masterclass: Julian Zilberbrand’s Playbook for Modern Advertisers

In the bustling, caffeine-fueled chaos of the digital advertising...

Paul Atreides’ Guide to CTV: Leading Your Brand Through the Desert of Disruption

In the sprawling, sandy universe of streaming advertising, the...

Google’s Privacy Sandbox: More Like Privacy Litter Box

The IAB Tech Lab’s Privacy Sandbox Task Force just...

Decoding the DNA of Incrementality with David Pollet

Welcome to the front row seat of a masterclass...