Friday, July 26, 2024

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Michael Marchese

Michael Marchese is the founder and CEO of Tempesta Media, an original content creation, monetization, and syndication provider. Michael has over 15 years of industry experience. He has served in senior management or board member capacities for companies including Leapfrog Online, WebSideStory, JWT Specialized Communications, and OCC.

How Will The Expansion of the Domain Name World Affect Advertisers and Affiliates?

On Thursday, ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, plans to open the floodgates to an entirely new world of new domain...

Affiliates Adapt to Mobile Advertising Demands

According to the Ofcom International Communications Report for 2011, 41% of Internet users access the Internet, via mobile phone. The percentage has nearly tripled...

New Bill Threat to Online Marketers

Congress is at it, again. The House Judiciary Committee is currently meeting to decide what the next steps are for SOPA. As an affiliate...

New Google Affiliate API Released

Google just released an API for its affiliate network program. Using the new API, both publishers and advertisers will be able to automate different,...

Affiliates May Be Screwed by Marketplace Fairness

Recently, a bill was introduced in the senate called the “Marketplace Fairness Act”, or S.1832. At its most basic level, the bill would require...

Ad Exchanges Will Kill Affiliates?

Ad exchanges are gaining significant traction in online advertising.  Do they pose a real and present danger to affiliate marketers? Ad Exchanges Defined As Wikipedia defines...

Must read

WTF Google: The Cookie Clusterf**k Continues

Google's latest move is a doozy. After years of...

#MADWOMEN: From Catwalk Queen to Data Diva

Hold onto your spreadsheets, people, because today we’re talking...

Juggling Data and Dodging Drama: Jon Watts’ Media Measurement Marathon

If you’ve ever wondered who’s steering the ship in...

How Elon Musk is Rewriting ‘The Communist Manifesto’

Ah, the latest episode in the soap opera that...

The AdTech Adventurer: Myles Younger’s Recipe for Success

If the ad tech industry were weather, it’d be...

TV Masterclass: Julian Zilberbrand’s Playbook for Modern Advertisers

In the bustling, caffeine-fueled chaos of the digital advertising...

Paul Atreides’ Guide to CTV: Leading Your Brand Through the Desert of Disruption

In the sprawling, sandy universe of streaming advertising, the...

Google’s Privacy Sandbox: More Like Privacy Litter Box

The IAB Tech Lab’s Privacy Sandbox Task Force just...

Decoding the DNA of Incrementality with David Pollet

Welcome to the front row seat of a masterclass...