Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Ad Viewability in UK Reaching New Highs

A new report has been released that looks at the latest viewability rates for advertisements in the UK, and it seems that there is some very positive progress. The UK had been ranked quite low in this area for some time, but the efforts made by the marketers in the region have now paid off. The report found that 59% of banner ads are new viewable, up from 56% in the previous report.

The UK still has quite a ways to go, especially compared to other European countries. Austria has a 71% viewability percentage, Sweden is at 65%, Italy and Germany are both at 64%, and France is at 60%.

The measurements for the report use the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Media Rating Council’s standards of having at least half the ad being viewable for at least one second.

Max Von Hilgers, CEO and co-founder said, “It’s the highest level since our records began and four straight quarters of growth is a reliable indication that the industry’s efforts to tackle viewability are paying off.”

He went on to say, “Alongside this, campaigns are increasingly being optimized towards viewability and we’ve seen a drop in the number of impressions. This suggests a move toward more careful placements – a case of quality over quantity, not something the industry has historically been renowned for but an encouraging sign for the future.”

While further effort is certainly needed, this is a good sign and a growing trend in most markets around the world.

Pesach Lattin
Pesach Lattin
Pesach "Pace" Lattin is one of the top experts in interactive advertising, affiliate marketing. Pesach Lattin is known for his dedication to ethics in marketing, and focus on compliance and fraud in the industry, and has written numerous articles for publications from MediaPost, ClickZ, ADOTAS and his own blogs.

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