Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Haven’t Found an Effective Affiliate Campaign? Express Revenue will Create a Custom Solution for You

Over the past decade, affiliate marketing has exploded with potential. More and more companies are realizing that there is huge potential in having their products, information, services, or other goods promoted by expert marketers, and only paying for it when sales are made. This is a proven model, but advertisers have found that it isn’t always as easy to get things set up as it should be. The companies that are able to navigate their way through the biggest affiliate networks often find some significant success, but it is clear that there is so much that is still ‘left on the table.’

Enter Express Revenue.
Express Revenue was founded back in 2008 by industry professionals who have worked as affiliates, advertisers, and now owners of an affiliate network. They started Express Revenue because throughout their time working in the industry, they were never able to find an affiliate network that really handled things correctly and worked with both advertisers and marketers to maximize their full potential.

The company has grown significantly since 2008, primarily helping large scale advertisers and some of the biggest name marketers in the industry. Recently, however, they have decided to open Express Revenue up to a much wider audience so they can provide their services to a much wider audience. Providing advertisers and marketers of all sizes with the tools and opportunities that only the ‘big players’ had access to in the past has proven to be a huge success.

Building a Custom Solution
Advertisers that are considering starting an affiliate campaign, but are worried about the time, effort, and learning curve will love the opportunities they will find with Express Revenue. Rather than trying to squeeze every advertiser into a pre-made mold, ER works one-on-one with advertisers to really understand what it is their selling, who their target market is, and how to effectively promote sales. They will then take that information, and develop a custom affiliate campaign to produce exceptional results.
Another advantage of building custom affiliate campaigns is that it allows Express Revenue to work with advertisers across virtually any industry. No matter what it is that needs promoting, they can quickly create an effective solution that will drive high quality traffic, and sales, to advertisers in any industry.

Exclusive Features
Whether you’re an advertiser or a marketer, you’ll get access to some of the top features and tools in the industry, many of them unavailable anywhere else. These features include:
• Tracking Software – Express Revenue offers proprietary tracking software. They had this software developed from the ground up to meet the needs of all their clients.
• Available Financing – Express Revenue offers interest-free capital to both advertisers and affiliates. This is done through quick CPA payments before being paid by advertisers!
• Fraud Prevention – Fraud is a huge issue in the industry, and Express Review takes it very seriously. They actively monitor for any questionable activity and take action to stop it.
• Account Managers – Both affiliates and advertisers have dedicated account managers to help ensure everything is running smoothly at all times.

So, whether you’re an advertiser looking for a great way to generate sales, or you’re a marketers looking to take advantage of customized programs that make it easy to succeed (and get paid well for it), Express Revenue offers exciting opportunities for everyone.

Join Express Revenue.

Pesach Lattin
Pesach Lattin
Pesach "Pace" Lattin is one of the top experts in interactive advertising, affiliate marketing. Pesach Lattin is known for his dedication to ethics in marketing, and focus on compliance and fraud in the industry, and has written numerous articles for publications from MediaPost, ClickZ, ADOTAS and his own blogs.

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