Friday, July 26, 2024

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Generate Huge ROI from Content

Since the very dawn of digital marketing, the amount of options advertisers have had for reaching the online public has been in a constant state of growth. Most people today are excited about mobile marketing and social media, as they are the most popular topics of conversation in the online marketing community. However, it seems there will always be those out there that believe content reigns king. Last month, I wrote about small businesses and their hesitance to adopt other online marketing platforms into their campaigns. Small business marketers are only a small portion of the marketing community that believe content will always be the best solution.

As everyone knows, content is more of a category than a singular marketing method. With that said, eMarketer has recently released some research from CopyPress, a content marketing software company, regarding which form of content will bring the greatest ROI.

As far as cost goes, the most affordable types of content turned out to be articles, video and white papers. These results are understandable, being that they are all effective marketing methods and companies can create these types of content on their own. Therefore, there is a lot of room for return, making them very cost effective.

Here are some of the results reported in a chart by eMarketer;

Content with the Best ROI According to Marketing Professionals Worldwide

Featured Articles: 62%

Video: 51.9%


White Papers: 45.6%

Photos: 37.8%

Interactive Media: 36%

Sales Copy: 29.7%

Infographics: 27.9%

Buyer’s Guides: 21.6%

Illustrations: 17%

Motion Graphics: 11.3%

In order to receive the return on investment that CopyPress has found for each content type though, one must also consider how and by whom content is created. The creator of marketing content is arguably the most important piece of the puzzle. However, according to this research from CopyPress, only about 65.6 percent of those marketers asked said that authorship was indeed and important part of the marketing strategy.

As was state above, there are quite a few marketers that still feel that content is the best method of all digital marketing options. What is interesting is that there is evident growth in the number of people that think this way. Content marketing has continued to peak the interests of more and more marketers, according to CopyPress. In fact, in 2012 only about 18.9 percent of marketers said that their main marketing focus for the year would be with content marketing. Now in 2013, the number of marketers focusing mainly on content has shot up to 34.8 percent. This represents a greater growth in focus than any other marketing platform studied in the research.

Content has always been an effective marketing method, and it seems that with all of these marketers finding higher levels of interest in it, it may be a good thing to consider. After all, why make changes to something that already works?

Pesach Lattin
Pesach Lattin
Pesach "Pace" Lattin is one of the top experts in interactive advertising, affiliate marketing. Pesach Lattin is known for his dedication to ethics in marketing, and focus on compliance and fraud in the industry, and has written numerous articles for publications from MediaPost, ClickZ, ADOTAS and his own blogs.

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