Monday, May 13, 2024


Just 31% of Marketers Have Mobile Strategy in Place

You can hardly browse a marketing news site without seeing new reports of the growth in mobile traffic in virtually all areas.  This includes...

Cheerios To Face Trial for Fake Claims

Federal Judge has ruled that General Mills must stand trial in a lawsuit when it may have tricked consumers into thinking that Cheerios Protein...

Largest Facebook Advertiser Pulling Back Targeted Ads Saying Ineffective

The world’s largest ad spender, Procter & Gamble, has announced that they are reducing their ad spend on targeted Facebook ads.  They said that...

Facebook to Attack Ad Blockers Hard

Facebook is taking a significant step against the rising popularity of ad blocking software.  They have just announced that they have developed a way...

Olympics Exposing Many to Hackers & Other Digital Threats

A report was recently released from FastCompany that looked at some of the threats that the Olympics are bringing to many unsuspecting people.  While...

Facebook Taking Clickbait War to a New Level

Facebook has been trying to stop all the clickbait articles that flood people’s newsfeed for quite some time, with varying levels of success.  According...

How Do You Market to Gamers? New Study Provides Insight.

A new study has been released from Softonic that looked at how gamers (especially mobile gamers) look at advertising, and marketing efforts in general. ...

Pepperjam Acquires AdAssured

The US based affiliate marketing network, Pepperjam, has recently announced that they are acquiring AdAssured, which is an online marketing compliance firm.  They are...

Latest news

Quality vs. Premium: Erez Levin Digs Into Ad Attention With a Pickaxe and Pan

Alright, gather 'round, folks. Erez Levin’s back from the future with another sizzling hot take, and this time he’s...
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Colossus SSP: The Dark Lord of Programmatic Advertising?

In a galaxy far, far away, where the mystic forces of programmatic advertising wield their power across the vast...

The Future of Shoppable TV: The Grand Merchandising Merge

In the glittering world of shoppable TV, where retail empires and entertainment titans collide, a new hybrid of consumerism...

Must read

Quality vs. Premium: Erez Levin Digs Into Ad Attention With a Pickaxe and Pan

Alright, gather 'round, folks. Erez Levin’s back from the...

Colossus SSP: The Dark Lord of Programmatic Advertising?

In a galaxy far, far away, where the mystic...