Sunday, May 19, 2024

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James Carner

James Carner is an Entrepreneur and the Executive President for Verify Rocket LLC. James cut his teeth in the 90’s selling SQL CRM databases for Epicor Software and telephony switches for Lucent Technologies, and for fun, was a producer and publicist for AM 620 The Buzz - Talk Radio. In 2003, James founded Quickie Marketing, Inc. which spawned The Viral Spiral, an internet marketing newsletter with 120,000 subscribers, furthermore birthed eHygienics, an email list cleaning company that recently merged with Monster Clicks LLC. James is interested in private investigation and fluent in American Sign Language. He is the worship leader for Bend Faith Center and a Home Mentor for Habitat for Humanity.

Hiring: Finding the Cause Before the Symptom – Part 1

Hiring is an art and finding the right person for the job isn’t as simple as it seems. Every business owner has hired someone...

These Words Can Hurt Your Business Growth

I read an interesting article about about certain phrases we commonly use and how they can “drive you crazy”. In example, “Think outside of...

The Ultimate Checklist to Choose an Email Verification Vendor

There are many reasons a company is looking for email verification services. Most of the time, it’s for form pages when a prospect fills...

Has Email Marketing Died?

Far from it people! In fact, it’s making a huge comeback and here’s why. Social media marketing kicked into high gear back in 2008...

Get Back into Email Marketing

A few years ago, many email marketers left the commerce to explore social media avenues. Some made money, but most did not. Lately, we...

Can Bounces Kill Your Deliverability?

The name “Return Path” is technical jargon for a “Bounce”. Some would argue this phrase is incorrect because the terms have different origins and...

What is the difference between email validation and email verification?

The email list hygiene industry has metamorphosed into two categories. Email validation and email verification. I have written several articles about the two separately...

This Group Can Kill Email Marketers

Wikipedia defines, NANAE, as a Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion of the abuse of email systems, specifically through spam and similar attacks....

Must read

Nielsen’s New Tool Puts the Streaming Wars in Perspective, Or Does It?

Alright, so Nielsen decided to jazz things up with...

Colossus SSP vs. Adalytics: Who’s Bluffing in this Legal Circus?

Alright, folks, gather around for the latest installment of...

Ink, Bourbon, and Bytes: Inside David Kaplan’s Media Transformation

On the latest episode of the ADOTAT Show, I...

Amazon’s Upfront: One Funnel to Rule Them All

Amazon didn’t just host an upfront event; they held...

Quality vs. Premium: Erez Levin Digs Into Ad Attention With a Pickaxe and Pan

Alright, gather 'round, folks. Erez Levin’s back from the...

Colossus SSP: The Dark Lord of Programmatic Advertising?

In a galaxy far, far away, where the mystic...

From Schmidt to Space: How Michael Cammarata’s AI Ambitions Could Fry the Grid

When life hands you lemons, you might make lemonade—but...

Roblox’s Year of Scale: How Ads Became the Name of the Game

Alright folks, the digital playground where avatars roam free...