Friday, July 26, 2024

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Richard B. Newman

Richard B. Newman is an Internet Lawyer at Hinch Newman LLP focusing on advertising law, Internet marketing compliance, regulatory defense and digital media matters. His practice involves conducting legal compliance reviews of advertising campaigns across all media channels, regularly representing clients in high-profile investigative proceedings and enforcement actions brought by the Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general throughout the country, advertising and marketing litigation, advising on email and telemarketing best practice protocol implementation, counseling on eCommerce guidelines and promotional marketing programs, and negotiating and drafting legal agreements.

What Marketers Need to Know About FTC Endorsement Guide Penalty Offense Notices and CIDs

The FTC continues to issue Notices of Penalty Offenses concerning FTC Endorsement Guide violations  to digital advertisers and marketers, both alone and in conjunction...

FTC Ad Compliance Lawyer on Proposed Work-at-Home Revisions to BizOpp Rule

The FTC recently voted unanimously to issue an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) considering modification to the FTC’s Business Opportunity Rule (BOR). The BOR...

Tips for Sellers of Coaching Services and Work-at-Home Opportunities

            Providers beware.             The Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general continue to aggressive investigate and enforce legal regulations relating to offers for business...

FTC Testifies Before Congressional Subcommittee on Legislation to Restore Enforcement Authority

The Federal Trade Commission recently testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce on legislation to modify the FTC’s authority and...

Congressional Commerce Subcommittee Democrats Seek to Advance FTC Act 13(b) Reform Legislation

On May 27, 2021, the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce sought to advance H.R. 2668, a bill intended...

Supreme Court TCPA ATDS Ruling a Big Win for Telemarketers

On April 1, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in the matter of Facebook, Inc. v. Duguid that is a big...

FTC Releases 2020 Annual Highlights

On March 25, 2021, the Federal Trade Commission released its 2020 Annual Highlights, emphasizing the agency’s ongoing efforts to protect consumers. “Despite the challenges of the...

Must read

WTF Google: The Cookie Clusterf**k Continues

Google's latest move is a doozy. After years of...

#MADWOMEN: From Catwalk Queen to Data Diva

Hold onto your spreadsheets, people, because today we’re talking...

Juggling Data and Dodging Drama: Jon Watts’ Media Measurement Marathon

If you’ve ever wondered who’s steering the ship in...

How Elon Musk is Rewriting ‘The Communist Manifesto’

Ah, the latest episode in the soap opera that...

The AdTech Adventurer: Myles Younger’s Recipe for Success

If the ad tech industry were weather, it’d be...

TV Masterclass: Julian Zilberbrand’s Playbook for Modern Advertisers

In the bustling, caffeine-fueled chaos of the digital advertising...

Paul Atreides’ Guide to CTV: Leading Your Brand Through the Desert of Disruption

In the sprawling, sandy universe of streaming advertising, the...

Google’s Privacy Sandbox: More Like Privacy Litter Box

The IAB Tech Lab’s Privacy Sandbox Task Force just...

Decoding the DNA of Incrementality with David Pollet

Welcome to the front row seat of a masterclass...