Sunday, May 19, 2024

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Murray Newlands

Murray Newlands is a reporter with PMI-TV. Before that he was an affiliate marketer in England, trying his hand at making money online. Now he interviews people who make money online for a living!

Exclusive Offers is How to Work CPA

Sean Wagner of Infinite Traffic makes it clear in this interview on PMI-TV that exclusive offers are where it's at. While it's not that...

Networks Need to Be 100% Transparent

Scott Yamano, the CEO of Dedictated Media and CPADNA talks briefly with Murray Newlands at Affiliate Summit West 2013 about their CPA network, and...

Who is Shawn Collins Really?

Murray Newlands catches up with several industry leaders at Affiliate Summit West and exposes the "real" Shawn Collins. Who exactly is he, what secrets...

John Chow Needs Money and Smokes Stuff

Murray chased down John Chow at Affiliate Summit, and found out that he's looking not only for sponsors, but has taken up an interesting...

Where are the Top Affiliate Publishers?

Chris Tradgett of Linkdex talks about how their publisher discovery program finds the top publishers in the industry, and where exactly they are running...

Ellie Johnston of VoloMP Interview at Affiliate Summit

Ellie Johnston of VoloMP talks with Murray about what they are doing at Affiliate Summit. VoloMP is a email marketing company and email marketing...

Shoemoney Beats John Chow at Affiliate Summit

Murray has an exclusive interview with Jeremy Schoemaker aka Shoemoney at the affiliate ball about how he always beats John Chow-- but more importantly,...

Ted Dhanik: Skin Care Vertical Growth is Huge

Ted Dhanik, the CEO and genius behind EngageBDR spoke briefly with Murray about the Skin Care vertical and how it’s growing very fast.  He...

Must read

Nielsen’s New Tool Puts the Streaming Wars in Perspective, Or Does It?

Alright, so Nielsen decided to jazz things up with...

Colossus SSP vs. Adalytics: Who’s Bluffing in this Legal Circus?

Alright, folks, gather around for the latest installment of...

Ink, Bourbon, and Bytes: Inside David Kaplan’s Media Transformation

On the latest episode of the ADOTAT Show, I...

Amazon’s Upfront: One Funnel to Rule Them All

Amazon didn’t just host an upfront event; they held...

Quality vs. Premium: Erez Levin Digs Into Ad Attention With a Pickaxe and Pan

Alright, gather 'round, folks. Erez Levin’s back from the...

Colossus SSP: The Dark Lord of Programmatic Advertising?

In a galaxy far, far away, where the mystic...

From Schmidt to Space: How Michael Cammarata’s AI Ambitions Could Fry the Grid

When life hands you lemons, you might make lemonade—but...

Roblox’s Year of Scale: How Ads Became the Name of the Game

Alright folks, the digital playground where avatars roam free...